Friday, January 24, 2025

Stock Price Analysis Along With Quick Research Report

To estimate a company’s net worth, stock investors must do thorough review of its financial data through Stock gro. This is often accomplished by reviewing the business’s earnings and losses account, balance sheet, and statement of cash flow which can be laborious and time-consuming. Examining the financial ratios of a business is a simpler way to determine its success, which can assist make sense of the vast quantity of information contained in its financial statements.

Tata Consumer Share Price currently is Rs 1,135.65. Here are a few key ratios that should be included in every investor’s research process, or, more simply, how to analyse Tata Consumer Products.

PE ratio: Price to Earnings proportion, which shows how much a buyer is willing to give up for a share with each rupee earned. A common rule of conduct is that shares dealing at a low P/E ratio are undervalued (although this relies on other factors). Tata Consumer Products boasts a PE ratio of 110.35, which is high and relatively pricey.

Share Price: Tata Consumer Products’ current share price is Rs 1,135.65. One can utilise ticker valuation calculators to determine whether the Tata Consumer Products share price has been oversold or overvalued.

Return on assets (ROA): – Return on Assets assesses a company’s ability to earn an income on its asset investments. In other words, ROA measures how effectively a corporation can convert the funds needed to purchase properties into earnings or profits. Tata Consumer Products ROA is 5.63%, which is a terrible omen for future performance. (Higher scores are always preferred.)Tata Consumer Product encounters a current ratio of 0.83.

Return on equity (ROE): Quantifies a company’s capacity to create profits from the investments of its owners. In other terms, the return on equity ratio measures how much income each rupee of common stock held by shareholders generates. Tata Consumer Products has an annual ROE of 7.27%. (Higher is preferable).

Debt-to-equity ratio: – This statistic is useful for evaluating a company’s capital structure and performance. Tata Consumer Product includes a Debt-to-equity ratio of 0.11, indicating that the company has a low share of debt in its capital.

Sales increase: Tata Consumer Product recorded a revenue growth of 10.53%, which is low in comparison to its overall performance.

Operating Margin: This metric indicates how efficient the company’s operations are. Tata Consumer Products’ operating margin for the current fiscal year is 15.84%.

Dividend Yield: It indicates the quantity of dividend we will earn about the stock’s price. Tata Consumer Products’ current-year dividend is Rs 7.75, with a yield of 0.68 per cent.

EPS: – It specifies how much profit has been assigned to each outstanding unit of ordinary stock. Tata Consumer Products’ recent EPS is Rs 10.29. Investors benefit from greater earnings per share (EPS).

Hero Motocorp Share Price ranks among the top five largest in the world. India also serves as a major auto exporter, with high export growth prospects for the foreseeable future. The government’s assistance is giving automakers the boost they need to grow. But will it be sustainable? You can look into additional details and delve deeper into the stock analysis of this sector. Hero MotoCorp’s stock price presently is Rs 5,581.85. Let’s take a closer look at how Hero MotoCorp is doing and whether now is a good time to buy the company.

  • Sales are the primary source of revenue for the auto industry; Hero MotoCorp recorded a 15.59% increase in sales in the most recent quarter, totalling Rs 9,519.30 crore.
  • The inventory turnover ratio, which is 26.95 twice for Hero MotoCorp, is important in determining whether the company’s inventory is getting sold and if the sales picture is correct. It efficiently manages its inventories.
  • Hero MotoCorp recorded a 17.69% year-on-year profit gain, with the latest year’s earnings of Rs 2,910.58 Cr when compared to Rs 2,473.02 Cr the previous year. Profits will rise at the start year as governments issue new permits and demand rises.
  • Hero MotoCorp’s operational profit in the last quarter was Rs 1,359.15 crore. It aids in determining the company’s operating performance, which is then utilised to make financial choices.
  • Hero MotoCorp has an average ROE of 17.95%. Because automakers make significant equity investments, ROE is an essential financial metric.
  • Furthermore, they must incur significant debt to fund research and production activities, so their Debt-to-equity proportion should be assessed. Hero MotoCorp has a relatively small proportion of zero.
  • Hero MotoCorp provides a dividend of 100 rupees per share. It indicates that a corporation prefers to share earnings with its shareholders. The dividend rate is low, at 2.51%.
  • Hero MotoCorp’s promoter share is low, at 34.76%, with 0% pledged.

The PE multiple indicates how much the market is ready to pay towards the company’s earnings. Hero MotoCorp’s current PE is 28.12, compared to its 5-year average PE of 15.63.

Share Price: – Hero MotoCorp’s current share price is Rs 5,581.85. One can utilise ticker valuation calculators to determine whether Hero MotoCorp’s share price appears cheap or expensive.

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